Time And Time Again

In the fall of 2016 I brought home my first object. It was a small vase, its colour now garishly dated, but its lines and curves hinted towards something greater than itself. I’ve always been fascinated with ‘ugly objects,’ or, I should say, what we now see as ugly objects and how they were once considered so beautiful by someone else. That year I decided to see if I could make them beautiful once more—perhaps by adding something new or adjusting their colour, or even just re-contextualizing how we look at them. And in doing so, could I make them timeless? With the whole world on pause, we are all endlessly thinking about what’s to come—and with that, time. How to pass the time? How much time until ‘normal life’ will resume? The one silver lining to all of this seems to be that our environment has been able to bounce back in such a short period of time. Every day brings another hopeful story about nature’s ability to heal itself when we collectively stay inside, use less and keep our environmental footprints small. It’s easy to see then, how timelessness and sustainability go hand in hand.  When I first opened my little shop of reimagined objects, sustainability wasn’t my goal. But I now understand that this has to be the future. To create something new out of what was. And to see creativity—not as an endless production of new and exciting things, but as a way to reshape the things that we already have. And when we are compelled to create something new, to ask ourselves—how can it be timeless? How can its story live, not just beyond one or two seasons, but multiple lifetimes? All the objects that have come into my life, in some way or another, are timeless—including Lune. When Ezra and I found the property we thought tirelessly about how to repurpose its story. Our goal was never to create something current or modern, but something that could continue to provide value, not just for us, but for everyone, long after we’re gone. And as we count down the days until we can host all of you again, I see that the things in our lives—whether its objects, houses, or clothes—have no real material worth. It’s the stories they evoke, that we can share and build upon together that creates their true value. That's how everything we hold can become timeless—not in some near future, but right now. And there’s no better time, as the world seems to be asking all us to slow down and cherish what we already have. 
Visit the shop to see the collection.
Creative - Lune 
Photography - Adrian Armstrong 
Words Edited - Aliyah Craig